Thursday, September 4, 2008

Count me in...sort of...

'Rogue knitter' would be an excellent title for me, seeing as the only thing I have ever knitted was a scarf when I was 9...but as you said Grace, I could knit if I really wanted to...To tell the truth, I have talked with my mum about showing me how she knits the socks she makes. One of the styles she makes is one her mum showed her, and I love the idea of keeping that tradition in the family. So maybe this will be a good time to stop 'talking' about it and start doing it. Here's a photo of my mum's hands in mid-knit...

I am really looking forward to going to Upper Canada Village and getting some rovings. My mum needs some and I am planning on giving my spinning wheel a good try this fall! then who knows, maybe I'll be able to use that wool to knit the socks...finally.

1 comment:

Zee said...

What a beautiful picture! Your mum looks so peaceful.