Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Christmas tree is up!

Lee it really feels like Christmas time! The girls always decorate the tree after I put the lights on. We pull out the bin of ornaments and have a fond memory for most all of them. I got these 3 wise men from Chris's parents...they used to go on their tree...they are about 30 years old I think.
Annie wanted to make a star for the top...I was skeptical but thought, why not...and I think it is perfect! Kate got the ballerina from Yaya when she was 4 years old...and the spirally, delicate glass ornament was from when my parents were first married and decorated a 48? years old?
This is Annie's Charlie Brown tree...ok, its actually rosemary and was just a photo op....She didn't want to kill the poor plant.

I think the tree is perfect!

1 comment:

kathee said...

Lovely tree! only 17 days until Christmas!?