Sunday, May 30, 2010

Blue Mountain Plant Swap

Lee here...Annie and I headed up to Kathy's house for her annual plant swap. We saw some familiar faces and I got to meet the writer of a blog that I read frequently. She seems like such a gentle mama!

I like this picture of Annie. She is such a happy kid...most of the time anyway.
Kathy sells veggie seedlings and these are some of the left overs. I picked out a few for my sister.

Folks come and look at all the plant offerings and then at 1 o'clock sharp, you take as many plants and you brought. I don't have alot of garden space ready so I took 6 plants. Kathy's sister also gave me a couple of plants that I had been looking for which was so nice of her! I will plant them today in a spot until I can find a better, more permanent home for them.
We packed a yummy, healthy lunch for ourselves...and brought a treat to share.

..."worms in dirt" cupcakes was the most accurate description of the treats we made!
Thanks for a great day Kathy!

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