Lee here...Annie and I headed up to Kathy's house for her annual plant swap. We saw some familiar faces and I got to meet the writer of a blog that I read frequently. http://www.andreacameron.blogspot.com/ She seems like such a gentle mama!I like this picture of Annie. She is such a happy kid...most of the time anyway.
Kathy sells veggie seedlings and these are some of the left overs. I picked out a few for my sister.
Folks come and look at all the plant offerings and then at 1 o'clock sharp, you take as many plants and you brought. I don't have alot of garden space ready so I took 6 plants. Kathy's sister also gave me a couple of plants that I had been looking for which was so nice of her! I will plant them today in a spot until I can find a better, more permanent home for them.
Lee here...so nice to be finished with the initial weeding, adding manure, and tidying up the beds. The fun part is all the planting of seeds and plants! I moved my swingset over to the tomato garden and planted 6 tomato plants...tying them with string as a stake. We have 12 tomato plants in total, 6 of which are sungold which is our favorite!
Kathy gave me some netting for my peas. It was a challenge putting it up but I think it will serve the purpose. I planted a nice thick row of sugar snaps that I saved from last year. I hope they grow! I have assorted seeds on each side of the pea trellis...carrots, purslane, some cilantro, lettuce..
Kate's kitten died:( We are all so sad. She just started having a seizure or something and then stiffened up and stopped breathing:( It all happened in a couple of minutes.Lee
Lee here...not a very good photo but these lilacs and tulips really brighten up the room and smell lovely! I wish I had lots to say about all the gardening I've been doing but there hasn't been much going on in that department. I think there is just so much to do (and becoming more everyday!) that it is overwhelming to get out there and get started! I think I need to make myself a smaller, more doable, to do list.
How cute is she! We had promised her a kitten for a while and then saw this one at the Humane Society. Her name is Scout (from the book "To Kill a Mockingbird"). She needs more shots the end of this month and then will need to be neutered as soon as she is old enough. She is so small and cute and playful :)