Spring Happenings......
Things growing.....do hens and chicks look this good all winter? I didn't check. This time of year is so great...I enjoy cleaning up the gardens and my arms aching from all the raking. It's good exercise right? Only the odd mosquito and no blackfies yet.
Chives are popping up all over the place. I'd really like to get some flat leaved chives...yo, Zee, any to share?
Kathy gave me some hepatica a few years ago....they get flowers before their leaves.
I planted a bunch of bulbs this past fall that I had gotten on sale. I wasn't sure if they'd come up but at least this one did. I'm hoping the little grape narsissus' come up!
We have April birthdays! Chris, Stef and Kate. Annie decorated this cake for her dad.
I snapped this photo of my daughter, when she wasn't looking, doing her new job as shift manager. She has a new shirt and bandana typ thing, a new name tag that is on order, and doesnt need to wear a hat but her hair needs to be tied back tight. It is a very difficult and challenging job with tons of responsibilities and I often wonder if she'd prefer to go back to crew member some days. It is a great experience for her though and she will do great I'm sure.
Last, but not least...the almost 12 year old going for a ride on her scooter. Our roads are perfect right now, but many times during the summer, they get grated and new gravel dumped on it, making even bike riding tricky.
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