Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Happy New Year greetings Lee and Zee!! I have just got caught up on all the blogging you two have been nice to connect again...Christmas vacation with the girls home was so lovely but it took me a while to get back into the swing of things. But here I am finally. This time of year i my favourite of course, because it's garden planning and seed ordering time! I just finished my plans yesterday and will be sending in three different orders today...the bulk from William Dam, then Upper Canada seeds for tomatoes, and Terra Edibles for a few others. I am actually hoping to order just two things from Johnny's seeds in the States, but haven;t figured that out yet. I wouldnl;t bother, except that I can;t find those particular varieties anywhere else-Lipstick peppers and Sungold tomatoes- and my stash of seeds from an order three years ago has now ran out. We have been skating on our pond! It is so nice to be able to pop out there and get a good work out in the fresh air. We also got our tobaganning hill going, which is not very steep, but with the help of our old picnic table, we've made a good lead-off! We'll be planning our skating/tobaganning party soon! Well I look forward to blogging again and staying in touch through our blog....'til next time...Kathee.

1 comment:

Lee said...

So nice to see you here!