Wednesday, February 25, 2009

See you in March

Lee (hibernating) in the house...If I could sleep through the last few days of February, that would suit me fine. I usually have a pretty heavy duty winter funk and this year Ive done pretty well with eating better and getting some fresh air and exercise (need more of all 3 tho). But for the past week or so, I can feel the dread of winter...wanting it to be March 1st so bad! I know March has lots of nasty weather as well but it does feel like the home stretch till spring. I know its all psychological and that every day and month is as good as the is what you make it, etc.....but today I feel like I have a cinderblock of dread of my shoulders. I will have to fight it off. I am bringing in wood from outside which is my fresh air and some exercise...I will walk the dog for more of both...I will do my yoga tape for sanity and stretching... I will eat fresh fruits and veggies..I will play music and enjoy the sunshine. At least I am aware of this problem I have and not in too deep to dig myself out. 3 days to go!!

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