Sunday, November 2, 2008

Kathee those are sooo realistic looking!!!

and so yummy too!!
Here is Stef enjoying the leaves!
Me at the compost...

Lee here.....

I took Thai and Minh, Stef and Annie out and they seemed to have fun:) Chris was here to pass out goody bags and a can of lemonade to the 3 kids (from the same family) we usually get. It was such a beautiful night out for a walk!

During that beautiful day, I managed to clean up some of the yard..dug some leaves directly in the garden to decompose. I put leaves in my composter so I can start adding kitchen scraps again...the kids filled the leaf composter that I use as an addition to my food waste composter. I just add an armful of leaves whenever I empty the kitchen compost bucket. I bagged up some leaves to use in the spring. I hate to see leaves blow out of my yard..they are such valuable organic matter...I love the smell of them this time of year...and the cruchiness as you walk through them or as the wind blows them around. I have a vivid memory of helping my grandmother spread bagged leaves in her spring gardens for mulch.


Anonymous said...

Hey mom, Kathee, and Zee! Go see my blog!
My blog has like no visitors yet!

Anonymous said...

Hey mom, Kathee, and Zee! Go see my blog!
My blog has like no visitors yet!

Anonymous said...

Hey mom, Kathee, and Zee! Go see my blog!
My blog has like no visitors yet!

Anonymous said...

Hey mom, Kathee, and Zee! Go see my blog!
My blog has like no visitors yet!

Anonymous said...

Hey mom, Kathee, and Zee! Go see my blog!
My blog has like no visitors yet!

Anonymous said...

Hey mom, Kathee, and Zee! Go see my blog!
My blog has like no visitors yet!

Lee said...

sorry about all of Stef's comments..she thought they were posting and I dont know how to delete them...Zee, can you put a link on the side for her blog? thanks!!!