Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Rain, rain... go away..come again another day
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Ok more food pics....Pad Thai
I'm off to watch So You Think You Can Dance....I am always so sad when folks get kicked off..they are all so favorites are always the contemporary routines especially by Mia Michaels!!
Monday, August 4, 2008
raspberry season

Lee again:)
This photo was taken a couple of weeks ago. We are blessed to have a very generous neighbour who lets us pick unlimited raspberries. We ate tons of fresh picked berries every day and I froze a few bags, made 2 batches of jam (gave quite a few away) and made these awesome muffins. I dont usually have luck with muffins..they just dont turn out very well..but these..ohh la la!!
Ohh the bounty!
Lee here:)
Check this out...lovely little yellow sungold tomatoes and a bigger red variety that I cant remember the name of...we get handsful of tomatoes everyday and Kate and Annie and I enjoy the snacks and homemade salsa!!
My tomato plants were pretty much neglected..unstaked, they grew out wide all over the ground instead of upright....its been a challenge to harvest these beauties....all the plants intertwined...lesson learned for next year..put up stakes first thing!!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Ultimate Veggie Wrap Home made raw wraps made from corn, flax, onions, garlic, sea salt, pepper, cumin and agave, dehydrated and stuffed with veggies, voila! I made a batch of home made almond milk this morning; let the cows breathe a huge smile of relief, if this catches on, your freedom is at hand!