It's hard to believe that we are once again nearing years end. So much living has been lived this year, and as my 10 year keeps telling me, "Mummy this year has gone by faster than I remember any year". I can relate to what he is saying, but wish that it were not his reality, he's too young to feel as though time is flying by.
I managed to get ten wreaths made to adorn the windows and door of our home. the wreath on the front door has a set of snowflake lights that I picked up at Ikea last week. They require two AA batteries, making them easy to incorporate into free standing wreaths or windows. I'm using my rechargeable batteries, I would have been really excited if these ones were solar like the set I have in my garden.
Christmas music is playing all day long compliments of galaxy music. DD and I picked up Michael Buble's Christmas CD to add to our line up.... crooner he is! I've made a place for the Bodhi/Christmas tree to go, hopefully we'll have it up by the weekend, in time for Bodhi Day and giving the kids plenty of time to make paper cranes and snowflakes to decorate it. I wrote a little blurb about Alternative Christmas Trees at
Squidoo, I've come up with a tree design to take to the "Dragon's Den", so stay tuned ;)
If the weather cooperates a little snow will help me along. I'm saving Christmas baking until the beginning of December, concentrating on any shopping and decorating I want to get done. The gardens are laid to rest awaiting a blanket of snow to insulate them from the cold. The water barrels are in need of emptying after this last rain fall, a must get done project this week. It hasn't been cold enough for the wood stove yet, mabye next week. I'm looking forward to having my perpetual cup of tea, hot off the stove, and warming up lunch with little or no thought to preheating any electric device.
Kids are ready and waiting to skate and toboggan, seeing the baby's eyes light up and hear him squeal with utter awe at the sight of a dusting of snow definitely makes my day and reminds me to stay in this moment with him. This is my update, over and out.